Residential Home Inspection

Our buyer’s home inspections are completely comprehensive. We will accompany you on a walkthrough and inspection of the property you’re interested in buying, and assess its condition using our multi-point home inspection checklist.

Pre-Listing Inspection

If you are listing your home on the market and would like to have its condition assessed beforehand, Seven Peaks Inspections is here to help. Our pre-listing home inspections include the same services as our buyer’s home inspections.

Overlooking living room open space from top of starirs

11 Month Warranty Inspection

Most builders offer a one-year warranty on a new homes. We perform a full home inspection before the builder’s warranty expires. Just because your home is new doesn’t necessarily mean it is defect-free. This is your last chance to have the builder fix any issues that are covered under the new home warranty potentially saving you money.
New Construction

New Home Inspection

New construction homes need an objective third-party to inspect. The city or county inspectors often don’t catch everything.

Sewer Scope

Using a camera and specialized equipment, the sewer scope can reveal blockages, damage and other problems in the home’s waste and sewer system. Awareness of any issues is vital for homeowners and home buyers, as repairs to the sewer system can be very costly. Finding and addressing such problems now can avoid a catastrophic problem and the need for expensive repairs later. We will provide you with a detailed report and the video of the sewer scope.

Air Quality detector

Radon Testing

Radon is colorless, odorless, and extremely carcinogenic (cancer-causing). It can affect homes anywhere in the US, and the only way to check for elevated levels of radon in your home is with testing. Home tests are available, but we recommend professional testing for peace of mind.